A.Fitz Design & Pottery

Let's Talk – An Artist Blog

Posts tagged alexandra fitzgerald
How To Break Through Creative Block

It’s happened. Dreaded, feared and incredibly frustrating. The creative block you’ve been warding off has officially dug itself into a canyon and you can’t find a way around it…I’d like to use this post to discuss a few ways I’ve managed to claw out of my own creative funk and start making again.

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What About Passive Income?

For those of you may not know what “passive income” is, it’s just as it sounds: a source of money coming in that requires little to no effort to maintain daily. Some classic example are rental properties and royalties, bloggers tend to use advertisements, product promotions and partnerships as passive income streams. As an artist, though, these aren’t necessarily feasible options both practically and financially (I don’t have the money laying around to buy a rental property or any property!) so I thought it might be a good idea to talk about some passive income ideas that are more geared towards the visual arts.

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An Enemy of Envy

I think a lot of artists struggle with jealousy in so many ways. Maybe you’re envious of someone else’s perceived productivity, their creative mind, an ability to network or even just speak about their own work. Those things reflect our own insecurities and things that we would like to improve upon so pay attention to that ugly feeling! It has so much to teach us…

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Decoding Delamination

See those bubbles?  Those awful, terrible, no-good, pottery-ruining bubbles?  That, my friends, is “delamination”.  I spent many a frustrated afternoon battling this inconceivable nuisance of deterioration without knowing what it was called.  Eventually I stumbled upon an article by Steven Hill that, ever so casually, described and gave a name to the very pox in my midst.

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